Appointments or more information call 03 313 2369 or email via the contact page.

NCX has significantly reduced fees for ACC exams for all valid Community Service Card holders and children under 14 – see Fees page

North Canterbury X-ray (NCX) operates a highly-professional medical X-ray clinic in the centre of Rangiora – a locally owned and operated service with dedicated staff, working efficiently with your own GP to bring you fast and friendly attention and results just when you need it most. Easy parking – no need to travel to the city!

X-ray Service

NCX undertakes all general medical x-rays referred by your GP or other qualified health professional utilizing the very latest equipment and highly trained staff to meet your needs – from a fractured little finger through to a full skeletal examination.

A visit to your own Doctor will determine what x-ray you require, provide a Referral form and
decide whether your x-ray examination will be performed under:

  • ACC (the patient pays a partial surcharge but the majority of the cost is covered by ACC)
  • Community Referred Radiology (no charge to the patient - fully funded by Canterbury District Health Board)
  • Privately (the patient pays the full cost)

We also do immigration chest x-rays.


foot and hand xray


Your medical referrer will decide whether your x-ray will be performed under ACC, Community Referred Radiology or privately. There is no patient charge for Community Referred Radiology, a patient surcharge for all ACC and full charge for any private exams.

Charges at our clinic are very similar to clinics in Christchurch – often slightly cheaper – and with reduced travel costs. We ask that fees are fully paid at the time of your visit but may make exceptions for special circumstances.


Location, Parking & Hours

parking map

NCX is located at 237c High Street, in the centre of Rangiora, next to the Waimakariri District Council buildings (see the map below). Parking in the main WDC car-park is convenient, at the back of our clinic. Some short-stay parking may be available right outside the entrance to NCX on High Street. We cater for wheelchair access.

Our normal hours are Monday – Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm


Your Visit to NCX

We strive to make your visit to NCX as convenient and easy as possible – the clinic is located in the High Street in Rangiora – parking and access is convenient. We cater for wheelchair access.

  • We normally run to time so we appreciate that you please arrive at the clinic in good time.
  • Please bring all relevant paper-work.
  • Your x-ray may take less than 10 minutes or up to 45 minutes.
  • We ask that you pay for service at the time of your visit but do make arrangements if this is not possible.
  • Your x-ray is available to your doctor immediately and a full report arrives with your doctor within 24 hours. In urgent cases, a report is made available within the hour. You need to re-visit your doctor to obtain your results.
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Hello all North Cantabrians

Reduced ACC surcharges for many

Many X-rays are free to you, but for those incurring an ACC charge, we continue to slash the fee for under 14s (only $30) and holders of Community Services Cards (only $35).

Continuing to keep you safe and cared for.
Your friendly team at NCX. 

Phone  03 3132369
